Smart Charging – Benefits For EV Drivers, Energy Suppliers and Point Operators

Smart charging offers many benefits to electric vehicle (EV) drivers, energy suppliers and charging point operators alike. It helps prevent ...
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Zero-Emission Vehicle

Zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) are vehicles that emit no exhaust or other forms of pollutants when operating, such as electric-powered (battery ...
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Autonomous Electric Vehicles and Jobs

Autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs) are vehicles capable of driving themselves autonomously without needing human supervision, eliminating human error while simultaneously ...
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Environmental Impact of Human Activities

Humans consume nonrenewable fossil fuels; increase atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases; disrupt the planet’s water ...
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Charging Etiquette For EV Drivers

Most EV drivers don’t mind unplugging another vehicle if it appears that its driver has an urgent need for charging, ...
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The Smart Grid Depends on Communication

A smart grid is an intelligent and dynamic power electricity network designed to maximize efficiency and reliability while supporting smooth ...
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Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions come from human activities like burning fossil fuels and can be measured in terms of carbon dioxide ...
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Electric Vehicle Charging Rates

Many EV owners find significant savings when charging their car at home. Others can take advantage of Central Hudson’s Time ...
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Energy Consumption in the United States

Energy consumption refers to the total amount of fuel and electricity used within an area or nation. It can be ...
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Government Incentives

Government incentives are programs provided by governments to businesses to assist with growth and job creation, offering everything from tax ...
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