Carbon Emissions

Carbon emissions are human activities which amplify the greenhouse effect and contribute to climate change, predominantly via burning fossil fuels ...
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The Element of an Electric Motor Vehicle

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more affordable, and numerous manufacturers are planning to significantly expand their offerings of them. Honda ...
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What is a Hybrid Electric Vehicle?

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) models combine conventional internal combustion engine system with an electric powertrain to achieve better fuel economy ...
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How a Battery-Powered Car Works

Electric vehicles (EVs) produce no tailpipe emissions; however, their batteries still rely on electricity generated from fossil-fuel-powered grids for powering ...
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Battery Safety Tips

Button batteries can be found in many electronic devices – children’s toys, key fobs, calculators and musical greeting cards among ...
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EV Battery Technology

Battery technology remains an obstacle for electric vehicles (EVs), yet solutions are on their way. By improving charging times and ...
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How to Determine Battery Pack Size

Battery packs are an invaluable way to ensure that you never find yourself without access to electricity, whether that means ...
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EV Charging Infrastructure

EV charging infrastructure refers to equipment used to extend an electric vehicle’s range by accessing external sources of power, making ...
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What is a Battery Electric Vehicle?

Most people envision an electric vehicle when they think of its battery; these batteries typically resemble small cylindrical cells like ...
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What Is Public Charging?

Public charging refers to any form of electric vehicle charging used outside a household or workplace environment. This often includes ...
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