Level 2 Charging

Level 2 charging

Level 2 charging is a popular choice for workplaces and other public places, providing an additional 25 miles per hour of range – enough to fill most electric cars from empty in around 4.5 hours.

However, it can be costly and requires a dedicated 240-volt outlet. However, you may be eligible for rebates or incentives from local, federal, and state agencies that can help offset costs.

Faster Charging

Level 2 charging is an ideal option for electric vehicle (EV) drivers who desire a faster charge or longer range. It typically charges five to seven times faster than a Level 1 charger and adds 25 miles of range per hour.

These chargers can be found in workplaces, public places and individual homes. They deliver between 6.2 and 19.2 kW of AC power, allowing most electric vehicles to reach full charge from empty in 4.5 hours.

Level 2 charging offers several advantages over Level 3, such as taking up less room than a Level 3 station and allowing for quicker turnover times – ideal for businesses like grocery stores with only one customer at a time.

Level 2 charging is typically faster than fast DC charging stations (like Tesla Superchargers), since it delivers more energy at a higher rate. However, the exact rate will depend on the battery type and charger configuration.

Level 2 charging takes a bit longer for your vehicle to reach full charge, but it’s much more economical than using a Level 3 station. If planning an extended road trip and needing to stop at a Level 3 charger, opting for the cheaper Level 2 option could save you money in the long run.

Another distinction between Level 1 and Level 2 charging is that the latter provides a more steady flow of electricity to an electric vehicle’s onboard converter. On the other hand, with Level 3, power delivery is much more variable; it will begin as an even line but quickly ramp up before beginning to slow down and require more input.

Due to its larger capacity, an onboard converter must accept a much greater input of power than it has the capacity for. As you near 80 percent of your battery capacity, the onboard converter will begin asking for less and less current in an effort to prevent overflowing the charger.

More Convenience

Level 2 charging, also referred to as EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) or fast charge, offers an additional 14-35 miles of range per hour of power consumption. It can be found at public and workplace charging stations as well as many homes. Plus, since it uses the same standard connector as Level 1 chargers, any electric car can plug in directly at a Level 2 station.

Level 2 home charging is the ideal solution for those without access to public charging infrastructure and who desire the comfort of an at-home charging station. It’s a safe, simple, and cost-effective way to recharge your electric vehicle without needing to leave the comfort of home.

It’s the ideal solution for electric vehicle (EV) owners with longer-range vehicles or who require extra time to charge between trips. Families with school-aged children or those living in areas without many convenient public charging stations will find this to be especially beneficial.

A major advantage of a Level 2 charging station is that it replenishes your vehicle’s battery faster than using a Level 1 charger. This advantage is especially significant for drivers of longer-range electric vehicles like Tesla Model 3.

Installing a Level 2 station in your home for around $2,000 may require professional wiring to meet electrical regulations and may need permission. Additionally, check with the electric utility near you to see if they offer special time-of-use rates that reduce electricity prices during off-peak periods.

Another advantage of a networked station is that it enables you to track who uses it and how much they charge. This data can be used for creating reports to assess how effective your EV charging program is within your organization.

Your business may benefit from Level 2 charging stations, enabling it to charge more EVs in one day and increase customer traffic and profits. Furthermore, the increased speed of Level 2 charging makes it more attractive to EV drivers who typically need quick enough charges during their long commutes during workday.

Lower Electrical Rates at Night

One of the best ways to save on your electric bill is by reducing consumption during peak times. Power companies charge more during these hours since it costs them more to produce and distribute energy, but they offer special rate plans as an incentive for customers to reduce their energy use during these hours.

Rates vary based on the time of day and season. During summer months, peak hours typically begin around 2 pm and continue into the evening as people switch on their air conditioning or furnaces. Conversely, winter days offer much lower costs as families shift from air conditioning to heating their homes as temperatures drop.

During peak demand periods, power plants that had been idle must come online to meet demand. The increased cost is passed along to consumers; you’ll pay more for every kilowatt hour (kWh) of energy you consume.

Avoiding costly electricity costs during peak usage times requires altering your lifestyle and habits. This could include turning off lights when not in use, installing energy-saving appliances, improving insulation levels or even replacing an outdated HVAC system if it is inefficient.

Many consumers have discovered that Level 2 charging can be an effective way to lower their electrical rates at night. This is because many utilities now provide time-of-use (TOU) rates, which allow consumers to pay less for electricity during off-peak periods.

A TOU rate is a residential plan that rewards you with incentives to shift your usage from peak periods to off-peak ones. It’s an efficient way to lower your electricity costs by changing when you use major appliances, run the dishwasher or charge an electric car.

Your utility company can set up a time-of-use meter at no extra charge so you can monitor your energy use and determine which time windows offer the lowest electricity prices. After enrolling in a TOU rate, it’s simple to program your dishwasher to run at night and schedule laundry cycles when energy prices are lowest during off-peak hours.

Smart Features

Level 2 charging stations tend to be pricier than their Level 1 counterparts, but they come equipped with various smart features like access control and data monitoring. Plus, these stations let users charge their cars remotely while receiving reminders when to start or stop charging.

Smart chargers communicate with the utility company, helping it to avoid peak energy use during times when electricity prices are highest. Furthermore, they can schedule charging sessions to coincide with the most cost-effective times of day for the utility company.

Generally, the higher the output amperage of a charger, the faster it will charge an electric car, pickup or SUV. But this is not always the case; so to get the most out of your Level 2 charger, be sure to know your vehicle’s maximum charge rate first.

One of the key benefits with Level 2 charging is Dynamic Load Management (DLM). This intelligent feature works by automatically distributing power among all chargers in the network when demand is low and avoiding energy spikes during high demand periods.

Another useful smart feature is Power Boost, which prevents a home from using more energy than it can sustainably. When the house appears to be reaching its energy capacity, the charge station will reduce the amount of power provided to your electric car and pause charging until more available energy can be supplied.

You may wish to consider joining a Demand Response program, which helps reduce electricity prices during peak usage hours. This can be an excellent way to save money on monthly bills; however, make sure your charger supports this initiative.

Finally, many smart chargers are equipped with a battery backup system that can charge your car from solar panels on your roof or from an onboard battery bank. This feature is especially beneficial if you live in an area prone to extreme weather or frequent rain. Although these features may not be standard on most chargers, they are becoming increasingly popular and could be worth investing in as an effective investment.