How to Keep Your Smartphone Battery Healthy

Battery health

Keep your smartphone battery healthy by adopting good practices that reduce stress and strain to it, such as avoiding extreme temperatures or multiple charging-discharging cycles.

To maintain maximum performance from your phone battery and prevent rapid degradation, charge only up to 80% and discharge regularly below 50%. This ensures optimum results and performance from your device.

Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries power nearly all of our daily devices – such as cellphones, tablets and laptops; power tools; and even our cars. Batteries play an essential role in our economy and will play an integral part in transitioning towards electric vehicles; therefore, their health must remain a top priority.

Argonne researchers are at the forefront of battery science and technology research, pioneering breakthroughs that improve U.S. manufacturing capabilities while driving sustainable energy solutions forward. Their groundbreaking innovations are revolutionizing how we store electricity while simultaneously cutting emissions, as well as making recycling lithium-ion batteries simpler than ever.

Chemistry is central to batteries’ operation and success. At its core lies two electrodes connected by conductive metal wires with their own electrolyte medium and separator material between them; one electrode, known as the cathode, and one known as an anode completing this chemistry equation.

A cathode typically comprises aluminum and an anode typically comprises copper; their respective metal chemistries determine how much voltage can be produced. Both cathodes and anodes may also be combined with current collectors to enable electron flow.

Other factors affecting battery performance, including capacity, internal resistance and self-discharge are all vital to its overall success. Understanding how a battery functions is the only sure way of knowing when its time for replacement.

Capacity is a leading indicator of battery health and can be easily measured using electronic equipment. Unfortunately, its significance cannot be fully ascertained due to factors like cycle count, charging speed and depth of discharge depth of discharge depth temperature and load factors that impact capacity measurements.

Internal resistance is another indicator of battery health, and as one ages it will increase and limit how much power can be stored in it. Rising internal resistance decreases power density while making charging harder.

Reduced peak voltage charge can increase a battery’s capacity. For instance, charging at 4.20V instead of 4.10V may more than double its lifespan while simultaneously decreasing battery size by as much as 70mV.

Safety is of utmost concern as an unexpected surge of voltage can cause lithium-ion batteries to vent their organic solvent electrolyte and overheat, potentially leading to fires.

Though these issues are rare, they may be significant enough to justify recall of the battery in question. Worst case scenario would involve fire starting up inside your car or electric tool and placing you at risk.

Battery health is of great concern due to lithium-ion batteries’ multiple applications and potential to harm people and the environment. Battery manufacturers have an important responsibility in assuring that their products comply with regulatory standards by conducting safety tests, performing regular inspections and informing consumers about them. They should also help strengthen government policies at local, national and international levels by encouraging recovery, recycling and reuse initiatives involving lithium-ion batteries.


Most devices we use today rely on batteries, yet their capacity inevitably diminishes over time. Lithium ions make up these batteries and over time their capacity diminishes rapidly as their charge dwindles more quickly than expected.

Of course, one way you can keep your battery healthy and extend its lifespan is to ensure that it gets proper charging. No matter if it is for a smartphone, laptop, or car battery – making sure they get charged up every time is essential to keeping them as efficient as possible and healthy!

Many manufacturers recommend fully charging a battery before first using it, for two key reasons. First is maximizing performance from your new device; second is avoiding memory effect that occurs when batteries sit uncharged for long periods before being used again.

Chargers are devices used to transfer energy from an external power source (usually an outlet) into batteries for charging. Charging typically occurs using constant current, while some chargers also offer pulse mode or negative pulse charging capabilities.

Constant current charging is generally the fastest and safest way to charge batteries, suitable for all battery types. Furthermore, this process also has environmental benefits.

Some chargers allow users to monitor charging current, and manually turn off if it starts going too high or low – something which could save battery life in the long run. To accomplish this, connect R1 (resistor number 1) to the PROG pin of your charger, and set its value with LTC1734 programming pin – this value can then be determined by dividing 1.5V by the desired current R1 will provide when placed into constant current mode of the charger.

One way you can increase the life of your battery is to let it float during charging, which prevents its level from ever dropping low enough for sulfation – a form of chemical decay caused by improper charging – to occur. This helps slow the rate of degradation in many lead acid batteries while simultaneously extending their cycle life.

As you charge your battery, take caution not to leave it exposed for too long in a hot or cold environment. Doing so could damage both its electrolyte and electronics within your device – for optimal charging results avoid direct sunlight or sources of heat when charging your phone.

Battery damage may also result from overcharging or discharging too rapidly, which could occur while playing games or using heavy applications on a smartphone, both of which require considerable processing power from the battery, increasing heat production in charging.