Charging Etiquette For EV Drivers

Charging etiquette

Most EV drivers don’t mind unplugging another vehicle if it appears that its driver has an urgent need for charging, with their time limit closing in quickly, but doing so without getting permission from their owner would generally be considered rude and disrespectful.

As with the L2 chargers, leaving an L2 charger at 80 percent can hasten battery degradation and should therefore be avoided at all costs.

1. Don’t park in a charging spot if you’re not charging.

Driving an electric vehicle (EV) differs considerably from operating an internal combustion engine (ICE) car. There are numerous aspects to learn, from charging your car to finding suitable parking spots. But one key point should be remembered if you want an enjoyable public charging experience: avoid engaging in certain behaviors that could exacerbate stress levels while charging; this includes parking in charging spots without actually charging, crowding other vehicles that are charging, forgetting to unplug your EV from its charge cable, blocking charging spots and failing to unplug at end.

One of the most frequent mistakes drivers make when parking their EV is parking in an EV only space without using their EVSE provided. This behavior is extremely rude and can create long wait times for drivers traveling on roads with limited charging infrastructure – in turn causing other drivers to become annoyed that their vehicle has been blocked by another non-EV vehicle.

In addition, if you park in a charging spot without charging your car, the station owner could impose an overstay fee or fine on you as most stations use meters that monitor how long cars remain parked at their spots.

Due to these considerations, it’s wise to charge your vehicle at home whenever possible – this will not only reduce carbon emissions but will ensure other drivers can access charging spots when needed.

Rule of thumb suggests not charging your EV to 100% at public chargers, as EVs can charge at a faster rate until reaching 80% and then starting to slow down. Furthermore, going past that point wastes electricity by providing extra range miles and energy that may not be required.

Unfortunately, many EV drivers fail to abide by these simple rules of etiquette. Some may not even realize what they’re doing is wrong or have no respect for other EV drivers; regardless, everyone should enjoy an enjoyable EV experience by adhering to these tips and following our advice.

2. Don’t unplug another vehicle.

Driving an electric vehicle (EV) differs significantly from operating a traditional internal combustion engine (ICE). New EV drivers will need to learn some important rules regarding charging their vehicle in public – one being not to unplug another one while they’re charging. While this may seem obvious, many new owners find this difficult.

Unsurprisingly, it seems to be common practice among some EV drivers to unplug other EVs while they’re charging. Not only is this behavior rude but also potentially damaging – disconnecting while a car is still charging could damage its connection port or even spark fires!

Unplugging an electric vehicle when it’s still charging can create considerable tension within the EV community. Owners who rely on public charging stations often have to deal with other people using up their spots – this can be very irritating when waiting for full charge!

Some electric vehicle (EV) owners think it’s acceptable to unplug another’s vehicle for their own convenience, but that would be far too rude. Instead, wait until your EV is fully charged before leaving a note explaining that you must use this spot so as to arrive home before having to be out again.

At times, it can also be helpful to leave an indicator on an EV so the driver knows when you are okay for them to disconnect their vehicle before returning – something similar to how gyms operate and an excellent way to prevent people from taking over public charging stations.

3. Don’t block a charging station.

When it comes to charging etiquette, electric vehicle (EV) drivers have much to learn. One thing that should be obvious to any driver is not blocking charging stations when your vehicle has enough range for you to reach its destination. This is particularly important at free EV chargers where some people might treat them like gas stations by parking in front of them.

Although many drivers already adhere to this guideline, EV charging stations can often become congested at employee and commuter parking lots or hotels, and when everyone in an immediate need for power arrives. Level 2 charging stations in particular can become overwhelmed quickly when there are many drivers at a single charging station and the network cannot keep up with demand for new plugs (an issue made worse when reporting issues).

Assuming someone else needs to charge first is obvious, yet not everyone adheres to this basic courtesy. There have been various suggestions put forth as ways to address this issue; one proposal calls for something similar to gas station’s safety scoring systems where drivers can report when certain charging stations are malfunctioning properly.

As another possible solution, one option would be to utilize the mobile apps available with most EV charging networks (and some public chargers, like those provided by BC Hydro). Some of these apps allow car owners to communicate directly with other car owners and signal that someone urgently needs their spot – whether this happens at an EV charging station or their driveway.

Short-term fixes such as this one may only provide temporary relief; long-term solutions would include providing dedicated EV charging spots in some locations and giving drivers the ability to register their cars with their network ahead of time in order to receive priority when available spots become available.

4. Don’t leave a note on another vehicle.

Electric car driving differs significantly from driving gasoline vehicles, and all EV drivers should know some basic rules of etiquette that every EV driver should abide by. One such rule includes never parking your EV in a charging spot when not charging — this could cause issues for other drivers who rely on public charging stations to reach their destinations.

As it is also important to leave other vehicles charging, unplugging one should never be done while another vehicle is charging, especially a plug-in hybrid (PHEV), such as the Chevy Volt, with its emergency gas engine backup engine. While it may be tempting to unplug a PHEV early if not fully charged yet, waiting until its owner gives permission is generally best practice. If necessary, leave a note on their dashboard or in PlugShare explaining why and providing contact info so they may reach you if needed.

As New Zealand’s EV fleet expands, it is essential that drivers adhere to these simple etiquette guidelines when using public charging stations. If someone breaks these regulations, politely remind them and encourage them to do better; print a copy out and keep it with your vehicle so other EV drivers may easily understand them if needed; these social norms will ensure everyone has a positive experience at public charging stations thanks to early adopters’ efforts; these simple guidelines have become global trends and can make all the difference when it comes to getting the most out of your EV!