How Battery Health Affects Your Phone’s Performance

Battery health

Battery health refers to the condition of a battery in relation to its rated capacity. This is an essential factor in optimizing its performance.

Batteries lose capacity faster when charged at high voltages or temperatures. This can result in a permanent decrease in capacity.


Voltage is the electrical energy that exists between two points on a circuit. It’s measured in volts and serves to describe the “pressure” pushing electricity through that circuit.

It’s essential to comprehend how voltage affects battery health, as it can make or break a device’s performance. Furthermore, knowing how to correctly charge and discharge batteries for maximum life is crucial.

Batteries are typically composed of lead and designed to withstand a lot of strain. As such, they’re typically prone to degrading over time if not recharged regularly.

Batteries, though delicate, can still meet voltage tests as long as their plates are undamaged or damaged from repeated usage. Unfortunately, batteries may lose a significant amount of capacity over time if their plates become damaged, sulfated, or lost from excessive usage.

Generally, battery life is optimal when its voltage stays above 10.5 volts and at 70 degrees F. If suddenly, however, the voltage starts dropping precipitously, it could be indicative of an underlying issue.

This can be due to various causes, such as manufacturing flaws or sulfate crystal buildup. No matter the cause, it’s important that this issue be addressed promptly in order to avoid irreparable harm.

To check the voltage of a battery, it is commonly done using a multimeter. There are various types of multimeters, but all measure voltage by connecting a probe to each point on its circuit.

Multimeters can be useful, but it’s often more reliable to check the voltage with a hydrometer. A hydrometer will give an accurate reading of acid level in cells; however, this method may not work as well for wet-cell batteries that haven’t been fully charged and equalized.

For instance, a flooded lead-acid battery might show a hydrometer reading of 1.27 at the top and only 1.01 at the bottom. If there is such an extreme disparity, then you should seriously consider replacing your battery; over time, acid in these cells can sulfate and harden, making readings on hydrometers impossible.


The battery impedance (also referred to as resistance) is an important indicator of a battery’s health. It measures how much current flows through the battery and thus its ability to extract power.

Impedance is determined by several factors, including the number of charge carriers in an electrolyte, their mobility and the concentration of components present. As batteries age, these concentrations may decrease and charge carrier mobility may also be compromised due to secondary chemical reactions taking place inside of them.

Therefore, the battery’s internal resistance increases – this process is known as the relaxation effect. It plays an essential role in the aging process of batteries and ensures their optimal performance.

Current assessment of a battery’s health is through its impedance spectrum. This spectrum displays all electrical characteristics of the battery, such as voltage, current and temperature; it can be deconstructed using an equivalent circuit model.

The EIS spectrum is an invaluable tool for evaluating battery health, providing insight into a wide range of frequencies and the physical, chemical and mechanical processes taking place inside. Unfortunately, it’s a highly sensitive metric that can be negatively affected by environmental elements like noise or temperature changes.

Therefore, an effective and robust SoH estimation method must take into account these elements. As such, new techniques are needed to enhance the accuracy and dependability of SoH estimation.

In this paper, we propose a machine-learning method to predict capacity from impedance spectroscopy data. Our model has been trained on hundreds of EIS, capacity and direct current (DC) resistance measurements taken under various conditions of health, temperature and state of charge.

Our model successfully predicts battery capacity with an error rate below 3%. Furthermore, when combined with features from the EIS spectrum and discharge curve data, its performance is further improved.

This approach offers an efficient method to evaluate a battery’s State of Health in real time, without needing additional performance measurements. It also serves as an ideal tool to support early-cycle degradation forecasting, helping batteries allocate budget accurately and boost their chances of meeting operational requirements.


Temperature is one of the key elements affecting battery health. It impacts how batteries perform when at rest, when charging and during cycling. Depending on the type of battery and chemistry used, temperature can have a significant impact on how well a battery operates.

High temperatures can have detrimental effects on batteries, particularly during charging. They may cause stress fractures and cracks at the node of a battery that lead to secondary reactions that consume lithium ions and restrict energy flow within the device.

High temperatures not only damage the battery, but they can also shorten its lifespan by increasing its self-discharge rate. This occurs when chemical reactions within the battery become faster than usual, causing lithium ions to disperse too quickly and irreversible damage.

Research has been done on how temperature affects the degradation of various components in lithium-ion batteries. Multiple studies have demonstrated that temperature increases the rate of lithium cathode degradation.

Due to oxidation, binder decomposition and corrosion of the current collector, its resistance increases at higher temperatures due to SEI formation at the electrode/electrolyte interface. As a result, there is an abrupt jump in cell resistance as more SEI forms on the electrode surface, blocking lithium ions from diffusing into electrolyte.

As temperatures decrease, battery capacity decreases due to internal resistance. This occurs because the battery must exert more effort when charging, decreasing its ability to store charge and decreasing overall power output.

Batteries that aren’t charged or stored at their ideal room temperature will lose capacity quickly. That is one major reason why it’s recommended that batteries be kept at their operating temperature of 20 degrees C (68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Batteries can be exposed to both high and low temperatures, so it’s essential that you understand how they respond in different environments. By knowing what these batteries can handle, you can guarantee your customers’ batteries remain secure and perform as expected.

Battery Life

Battery health refers to how well your phone’s battery functions over time. It plays an integral role in maintaining the overall functionality of your phone, and you can do a lot to extend its life and make it run smoother.

The longevity of a battery depends on several factors, including how it’s stored and used, the depth of each discharge cycle, and its frequency. Furthermore, temperature and voltage of your device as well as how often you charge and discharge it all have an effect on its efficiency.

For instance, high cell voltages cause the ions in a battery to lose their capacity. As such, your device’s battery will discharge faster and require longer to charge up, limiting how long you can use it effectively.

Temperatures can have an equal detrimental effect, particularly in hot environments. Apple recommends not exposing your device to temperatures exceeding 77degF as this could reduce its lifespan significantly.

On an iPhone or MacBook, the System Preferences app allows you to check your battery health by clicking the Battery button. Here, you’ll be able to see how long the power should last before recharge time is required.

Additionally, you can view how many apps are draining your battery and which ones are likely to do so. This is an invaluable way to spot problem areas and address them before they cause serious harm to your device’s battery life.

Additionally, it’s wise to limit how often you utilize image-intensive apps like Instagram and Facebook which can drain your battery quickly. Text-based email and social media posts tend to be brief and don’t need a lot of storage space, while images usually take up more room.

Finally, regularly clean and maintain your terminals and clamps. Doing this simple job can extend the life of your battery while keeping it performing optimally. All that’s required for this simple job is mixing baking soda with distilled water before drying them off.

Though it’s beneficial to preserve your battery’s health, make sure you still have a plan for when it runs out of juice. Don’t get caught with an empty phone when you need it most; ensure to regularly top up the device.